3 Types of Structural Steel Fabrication Techniques To Know About

Before constructing a new residential or commercial building, what do you look for? Without any doubt, the most important goal is to make sure you have the right foundation for your building. Many fabrication materials are available in the construction industry, but the importance of structural steel can never be understated. But, before we talk about various types of high-quality steel fabrication techniques, it’s essential to note what steel fabrication is and what all is involved in it. To keep it simple, steel fabrication is the process that involves bending, cutting, and modeling steel to make construction structure. In steel fabrication, pieces of steel are put together to form different structures with predefined sizes and shapes. For steel fabrication, you require experienced technicians who have the ability to transform raw materials into marketable products. 

Now, without any further delay, let’s explore different types of steel fabrication techniques.

  • Cutting: It’s the first step in structural steel fabrication. In this method, high-grade steel is cut by cropping or sawing using different tools like laser cutters, plasma torches, or wet jets. Cutting is mostly used in the manufacturing factory, and technicians have to take proper safety measures to avoid any mishap.

  • Bending: After cutting, the next step is bending. For the bending of structural alloy, specialized machinery is put to use. Many steel fabricators prefer to manually perform the bending process. However, whether you should go for the modern or traditional method will depend on the requirements of the project. For instance, in case of repetitive bending of multiple steels, using machinery would be more feasible.

  • Welding: The final part of creating a construction structure is to weld different parts together. For doing so, welding is used, wherein steel fabricators apply heat to the steel part to join them together.

Whenever you require steel fabrication services, consult a reputable company that has experience in stainless steel engineering. Ask the experts which steel fabrication process will be the right fit for our project.

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